received the BS degree in Control and Automation Engineering from
Universidade Federal de
Itajubá (2005), and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Systems
and Control from
Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA (2008 and 2011).
he holds a position of Adjunct Professor at the
Department of Mechatronics
of ITA. His research work focus
on Estimation Theory and Control Theory with application in Aerial
Robotics and Aerospace Systems. He is the founder and current head of
the ITA's
Laboratório de
Robótica Aérea - LRA (Aerial Robotics Laboratory -
www.lra.ita.br). The mission of
LRA is to conduct research and development in dynamic modeling,
control, guidance, and navigation of micro aerial vehicles.
My new homepage is at www.professordavisantos.com.